Thousands of young people of the Church of Pentecost in the Greater Accra Region thronged the forecourts of the Ghana International Trade Fair Centre in La for the September edition of the Youth Ministry’s quarterly mega all-night Service.

This edition which was the first to be organised under the auspices of the newly inducted Youth Director of the church, Pastor Ebenezer Hagan, was held on Friday, September 13, 2019.

The all-night was held under the theme, “Grounding Young People in Christ and Unleashing them to Possess the Nations” taken from the vision document of the ministry for the next four years.

Participants were blessed with ministrations from the sensational gospel artiste Akese Brempong songs and a spirit-filled worship section led by Minstrel Eunice Anaarfi.

Speaking on the topic, “Grounded in Christ by Love to possess the nations” based on Colossians 2:6-7 and Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Pastor Ebenezer Hagan charged the youth to dive deeper in their love for God.

In the sermon he nick-named “It is a love thing”, he noted that “it will be difficult for any person to be grounded in Christ if he or she doesn’t love God to the core because the greatest gift a young person can give to God is his or her love.”

Pastor Ebenezer Hagan described love as a wonderful thing and the strongest thing in the world (Songs of Solomon 8:6) even though it is difficult to define. He further noted that, “if young people fall in love with God, they will be arrested in that love and pursue the will and agenda of God.”

According to the Youth Director, young people should strive to love God with all their spirits, souls and bodies stated in Deuteronomy 6:4-6. He advised believers to love God with their spirits by pursuing God in fellowship, prayer, fasting and study of the word.

Touching on how to love God with the soul, Ps Hagan admonished believers to love God with their emotions, intellect and will. He added that, “a believer in love with God is excited and happy about God and his work. Such a person fills his or her memory with the word of God.”

He further counselled the youth to express their love to God with their “macho-power”. This, he explained, means that young people should get themselves involved in the things of God.

In concluding his sermon, Ps Hagan listed some mysteries of the love towards God; love for God is a feeling that establishes communication between God and man, love is reciprocal, love should be a daily practice demanding spending quality time with God.

Present at the all night were the Eld Amos Kevin-Annan (Deputy Director of the youth ministry) , members of the National Executive Committee, Youth Pastors and Pensa Travelling Secretaries in the Greater Accra Region and Mrs Priscilla Hagan (wife of the youth Director).

Categories: All news


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